Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a flood?
  • What does a flood insurance policy cover?
  • How can I estimate the cost for flood insurance for my home?
  • How can I protect home against flood damage?
      •  What is a flood?
      The National Flood Insurance Program defines a flood as: "a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land are or of two or more properties (at least one of which is the policyholder's property) from?

      • Overflow of inland or tidal waters: or
      • Unusaul and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source; or
      • Mudflow; or
      • Collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a laker or similar body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a flood as defined above.
      So, in plain English, a flood is an excess of water (or mud) on land that's normally dry.

      Floods often happen when bodies of water overflow or tides rise due to heavy rainfall or thawing snow. But you don't have to live near water to be at risk of flooding. A flash flood, which can strike anywhere without warning, occrus when a large volume of rain falls withing a short time.

      More and more buildings, roads and parking lots are being built where forests and meadows used to be, which decreases the land's natural ability to absorb water. Coupled with changing weather patters, this construction has made recent floods more severe and incread everyone's chance of being flooded.

      • What does a flood insurance policy cover?
      Unlike a standard homeowners policy, flood insurance covers losses to your property caused by flooding.

      Some of the things a standard flood policy will cover include:

      • structural damage
      • furnace, water heather and air conditioner
      • flood debris clean up
      • floor surfaces such as carpeting and tile

      You can also buy a flood insurance policy to cover the contents of your home, such as furniture, collectibles, clothing, jewelry and artwork.

      Policies are available in three forms: Dwelling (most homes), General Property (apartments and businesses), and Residential Condominium Building Association (condominiums).

      It's important to know that if you have a federally backed mortgage on a home located in a high-risk are, federal law requires you to purchases flood insurance. Also, if you've received a federal grant for previous flood losses, you must have a flood insurance policy to quality for future aid.

      Be FloodSmart! Get covered today. Get a free quote.

      Everyone lives in a flood zone. Find out which flood zone your property is in.

      • How can I estimate the cost for flood insurance for my home?
      For more information, visit our Preferred Risk Cost Page
      • How can I protect my home against flood damage?

      FEMA has put together this checklist of steps homeowners can take to protect themselves

      Request Quote

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